01 outubro 2012

Você está prestes a ouvir um dos mais espetaculares sets até o momento! Não perca tempo, está imperdível!
A seleção está repleta de produções bastante intuitivas e vocais de perder o fôlego. Aperte os cintos, feche os olhos e sinta a música!
You are about to hear one of the most brilliant sets ever! Don't waste your time, it's unmissable!
This selection brings some intuitive productions and amazing vocals. Fasten your seatbelt, close your eyes and feel the music!
01. Mike Sonar "Wicked 7"
02. Solarstone with Aly & Fila "Fireisland" [Future Disciple Remix]
03. Poshout "Jumeirah"
04. Andy Moor feat. Jessica Sweetman "In your Arms" [Rafael Frost Remix]
05. Andy Moor "K Ta"
06. Dennis Sheperd feat. Molly Bancroft "Silence"
07. Sean Tyas feat. Lo Fi Sugar "The World"
Track of the Week
08. Aly & Fila vs Jwaydan "Coming Home"
09. Arctic Moon "Starships Over Alice"
10. Dark Matters feat. Neev Kennedy "Loneliness Won't Leave Me Alone"
11. PROYAL "Anahid"
12. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt "Like Spinning Plates" [Marlo Remix]
13. Andrew Rayel "Exponential" [Opera Mix]
14. Dark Matters feat. Jess Morgan "The Perfect Lie" [Beat Service Remix]
15. ReOrder "Every Other Day" [Eximinds Remix]
16. Wach pres. Oussama Mlaouhia "Tunisia"
T.I.T. Classic Tune
17. Lolo "Landscape"

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Good Vibe and Positive Vibrations 4all. (: